Friday, 30 April 2010

Meet our Pets!

This week in nursery, we have been learning about pets. We have talked about how we can care for pets and keep them happy. Some of the children brought their pets into nursery to meet all their friends. We met……..
                                                                      Cody the dog,

Squeaky the rabbit

Gypsy the puppy,

Fluffy the baby bunny,

Snowy the hamster,

a baby turtle,

Ratty the rat,

Basil the chinchilla,

and a guinea pig called Love Heart.

We enjoyed stroking the pets and learning more about them.

This half term, our role play area looks like a vet's surgery. We are very good at role playing and pretending to bring in our pets to see the vet.

This week in PE we have been doing Yoga. We tried really hard to learn some Yoga positions. We now know how to do the river, aeroplane, rock, mountain, plank and boat positions.

We have also finished our sea creature display. We hope you like it.

Friday, 23 April 2010

We have been learning about Sea Creatures!

Our theme for this week has been Sea Creatures and we have learnt lots about dolphins, whales, jelly fish, crabs, sharks, sea horses, octopus and many more. We started work creating an Under the Sea display and we are looking foward to showing it to you when it's finished!!

In our Knowledge and Understanding of the World lessons we have been experimenting to see which objects float and which sink. We enjoyed testing lots of different items in the classroom. We found that the heavy objects sunk to the bottom of the water and the light objects floated!!

We have been enjoying the sunny weather this week and have spent lots of time outside.

We have been enjoying having snack time outside.

and because we have all been so fantastic this week, we all joined in with golden time which was spent outside blowing bubbles!!