Monday, 25 January 2010

Hello from Nursery!

Last week in nursery we had lots of fun doing fruit tasting. We tried some fruit that we had tasted before and some new ones. 

Lots of us liked pineapple the best....

But not many of us liked the taste of lemon...

Some of us really enjoyed tasting fruit we had never tried before such as passion fruit, avocado, mango and lime.

Last week in nursery lots of children took home a fun worksheet activity in their new homework folders. Some of the children have already finished their homework and it is fantastic! Well done!

This week the activity will be on taller and shorter as this is what we are learning about in numeracy. Please can you bring in a book bag so we can give you a special homework folder and a story book to take home if you have not already done so.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Nursery online!!!

As school is closed today here are some fun websites for you to try...

You could also...
  • Continue to share your reading book with your family
  • Practise colour recognition and number recognition
  • Practise writing your name

This half term we are learning about food and growth, you could look to see if you have anything at home that might help us learn more about this topic. When you return to school we could put them on our topic table and use them in our show and tell sessions.

Yesterday some of the nursery children had fun walking to the shops to buy lots of different types of fruit. When we all return to school we will be tasting the different fruits and seeing which one we like the best.

See you soon